참고 자료
유료 서비스
- Why should I log-in as user?
- You can make post without user registration. But, our staff will review posts made without user log-in and usually publish it within 1 to 3 business days.
If you would like to publish your post immediately, we recommend you to log-in and make post.
Additionally, you can use these functions with user log-in:
User Board
You can see notifications from Vivinavi and Contents for Fan.
You can find emails you sent and received.
Contacts of all users you communicated with will be automatically saved (Auto-add setting can be changed).
You can also block users from here.
You can become Fan of your favorite users. If your favorite user registers "Contents for Fan,"
you will receive notification on User Board or at your email address.
Manage Post
You can view, change, and delete your posts.
You can save image, video, and document files for posting.
If you bookmark a post, it will become easier to find it later.
History is a list of the detail pages you viewed. Top and list pages will not be included in the History.
Resume / Application Package
You can create and save resume. Application package combines a resume, cover letter, portfolio, and
any other documents you use for job application. You can create and save application package.
Basic Setting
You can set up your default language, timezone, currency, tax area, password, Contact Auto-add, map address, notifications, and so on.
If you set up Upload Setting, you will be able to upload files from your phone.
Authorization Setting
You use Authorization Setting when you share the same account with other users. You can set up what each user can do for the account.
Company Setting
You can set up a business name, address, etc.
Click here to User Registration
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